Spiritual Check-up
Devotions - Daily Devotions
Written by Betty Lightle
I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.
Jeremiah 17:10
Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Psalm 139:23-24
As we "grow up" in the Lord, we need to have a spiritual check-up occasionally to see if we are healthy. In our examination, we need the Divine Physician to check our heart to see if it is defective. If we have "not the love of the brethren," we need open-heart surgery. If we are open to the love of God, we can even love the unlovable.
If the cancer of bitterness, guilt, loneliness, or discouragement is eating away our joy and strength in the Lord, we must give our permission to allow the Physician to cut out all the abnormal growth that is destroying our victory.
If sores of hurt seem to pop up without warning and are so irritable and bothersome that we can think of nothing else, we need to saturate ourselves in the Word of God. If applied daily, no further treatment is necessary.
If our ears have become so hard-of-hearing that we can no longer hear the cries for help from others, we need to begin to wear and use the aid of the Holy Spirit to help us detect those sounds.
If we can no longer see the need for souls to be saved, we have become spiritually blind and need a transplant of a new vision and zeal to win others to Christ.
If the problem lies in a weakened spine, daily exercises of prayer will develop spiritual backbone of determination to live and do as God wants us to, no matter how heavy the load we must carry at times.
Good spiritual health is necessary in developing a strong, healthy growth in the Lord. Continued neglect only leads to the deterioration of our soul.
Our spiritual health is more important than our physical health as one can enter Heaven physically maimed.
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